Bayside Plastic Surgery


Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid surgery is the procedure that can make the greatest single difference to the appearance of facial aging. For a relatively quick and straight forward technique, there is no other cosmetic surgery procedure which achieves as impressive a rejuvenating effect as upper eyelid blepharoplasty. The removal of excessive skin from the upper eyelid and reshaping of the upper eyelid contour can lead enhancement and rejuvenation of the eyes to look alert and youthful. Dr Ross undertakes this procedure using the anchor blepharoplasty technique.

The procedure can be undertaken as a day surgery case, under general anaesthetic or local anaesthetic and sedation. In this procedure only minimal periorbital fat is removed, but both redundant skin and underlying muscle is then excised from the upper eyelid. The eyelid contour is then recreated by anchoring these structures to the underlying support layer to give a natural shape highlighting the fresh youthful appearance of the eye. Following surgery there may be some swelling and bruising but this should settle rapidly, sutures are removed after 5-7 days and there should be virtually no evidence of surgery after two weeks. Most patients can resume their daily activities after two to three days.


Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

This procedure is beneficial for removing loose or wrinkled lower eyelid skin that develops as a result of facial aging. It is also beneficial in removing fat bulges below the lower eyelid. This procedure can be performed in isolation or in conjunction with another facial rejuvenation procedure, like an upper eyelid blepharoplasty or midface lift. It will have a significant rejuvenating effect in removing many of the facial expression lines and bulges around the eyes that cause shadowing and aging, resulting in a refreshed and enhanced facial appearance. Dr Ross currently undertakes three types of lower eyelid blepharoplasty procedures, transconjunctival blepharoplasty, skin only (pinch) lower eyelid blepharoplasty and full open lower eyelid blepharoplasty (with lateral canthopexy). The transconjunctival blepharoplasty is indicated for patients with fat bulges only below the lower eyelid without redundant skin. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, through the lower eye socket without an incision into the skin. The bulging lower eyelid fat is carefully removed maintaining the lower eyelid integrity correcting the lower eyelid contour deformity. The pinch blepharoplasty is a relatively new procedure that has arisen from patient demand for a relatively simple procedure, similar to upper eyelid blepharoplasty, with minimal downtime where only loose redundant lower eyelid skin is removed, without reshaping the eyelid. Full open blepharoplasty involves elevation of the lower eyelid skin through an incision along the lower eyelash. The underlying periorbital fat is then either removed or repositioned with the orbital septum hernia repaired to prevent recurrence and the lower eyelid skin redraped and tightened to leave a more youthful and vital lower eyelid appearance. Often in this procedure the lower eyelid is also tightened by performing a lateral canthopexy to maintain the eyelid in the most youthful position, especially when more established age related changes are evident. Dr Ross can advise on the most applicable procedure in your situation. Also it is possible in some cases to undertake a midface or cheek lift through the lower eyelid incision to avoid the need for a separate facelift incision. Dr Ross would be happy to discuss this possibility with you if you are interested in pursuing this surgical option.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is usually undertaken under general anaesthetic as a day surgery case.

Recovery from lower eyelid surgery is usually quite rapid, although there may be some swelling and bruising in the first couple of days. This usually settles after 3-4 days and the sutures are removed after 5-7 days. We usually recommend taping of the lower eyelids for support in the first 2-3 weeks following surgery. We have also found that witch hazel ointment applied to the eyelids in the early postoperative period can help to control swelling and stinging early in the postoperative period. Most patients can resume their daily activities after 5 to 7 days.

If you would like to discuss this procedure in more detail or clarify any of the issues mentioned here please contact our office to arrange a consultation.
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