Bayside Plastic Surgery

Turn To A Skilled Plastic Surgeon for Your Skin Cancer Surgery in Melbourne

Skin cancer affects a large number of Australians every year. In 2008 alone, it was estimated that over 434,000 people are treated for skin cancer each year. When faced with the diagnosis, proper guidance and support can make the difference in your treatment.

Get The Facts

Skin cancer can be a scary diagnosis, but it’s important to understand the facts of skin cancer moving forward. Not all skin cancer is treated equally. There are three common types of skin cancer.

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It is characterised by slow but steady growth if not removed, but generally is not life threatening.

Squamous cell carcinoma is less common. It generally appears on the ears, lips, face, and lower extremities. If left untreated, squamous cell carcinoma can become dangerous.

Malignant melanoma is the least common of the three, however it is also the most dangerous. It is often pigmented, caused by the melanin in the skin. However, in some cases, the area will not very in pigment from the rest of the skin. It is often signaled by a change in shape, color, or general appearance within an existing mole or new growth.

Get Tested

With the prevalence of skin cancer growing every year, particularly in Melbourne and surrounding Australian areas, it is important to get routine skin cancer screenings. These screenings can be performed by your general practitioner, a skin cancer clinic, or a dermatologist.

While it is completely acceptable to be screened by a general practitioner, it is best to seek the skilled hands of specialist doctors like dermatologists and plastic surgeons to effectively treat the area without leaving unsightly scars and damage.

Get Treated

When a cancerous lesion is detected, surgical excision is often considered the best method for removal. To reduce the appearance of scarring and to properly excise the entire lesion without damaging surrounding tissue, general practitioners and dermatologists often refer patients to skilled reconstructive plastic surgeons, such as Dr. David Ross.

Depending on the location, smaller cancerous growths can be removed with a simple excision and closed with minimal scarring or surrounding tissue affected. However, larger tumors that begin to spread or those located on delicate structures such as the nose may require more extensive surgery. The solution lies in the techniques of skilled reconstructive surgeons that are able to successfully excise the cancerous growth while repairing the structure of the area damaged by the skin cancer.

This is especially important on the face. Techniques such as skin grafts, cartilage grafts, flap surgery, and other methods are used by skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. David Ross, to remove cancerous and non-cancerous growths while restoring any deformities caused by skin cancer surgery.

At his Melbourne surgical center, Dr. Ross is able to perform extensive excisions and reconstructive surgery to treat skin cancer. Surgery is typically performed under general anaesthesia or sedation as a small day surgery procedure. Once the area is excised, Dr. Ross meets with patients weekly for postoperative appointments to ensure the area is healing properly. If needed, reconstructive surgery is performed after follow up testing is performed to ensure the lesion or growth has been completely excised.

Some patients turn to Dr. Ross for scar revision surgery after an unpleasant experience with skin cancer surgery by non-specialised surgeons. Dr. Ross employs the best techniques to repair the damaged area and to restore an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Throughout the process Dr. David Ross and his skilled nurses and office support staff are available for advice and support. If help is needed at any point during the day or night, a member of our staff is available as part of our constant efforts to ensure your success. No question is too small or insignificant – if you need an answer the staff is there for your support during the entire recovery period.

If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, turn to Dr. David Ross and his caring staff at Bayside Plastic Surgery for your skin cancer surgery in Melbourne. Experience the difference displayed in the compassion and attention to detail available to each of his patients. Contact the office today by reaching out online or calling 03 9596 8888 today.

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