Bayside Plastic Surgery

Should you put your implants under or over the muscle?

Melbourne breast implants

Once you’ve chosen to have a breast augmentation, there are a whole host of other choices that you’ll need to make. These include choosing saline or silicone implants, and which incision location you would prefer. Another choice is whether to have the implants placed under the muscle of the chest (subpectoral) or over this muscle but under the natural breast tissue (subglandular). This decision can have a significant impact on how the implants look and feel afterwards, as well as their longevity.

How can you make this decision? What placement does Dr. Ross usually recommend for his patients?

Under the muscle (subpectoral) implants

The large flat muscle of the chest is known as the pectoralis major. Although looking at photos of male bodybuilders tends to give people the idea that this is a thick muscle, the truth is that this muscle is very thin in most people, especially in most women.

There are a number of advantages to placing the implants below the muscle. The biggest one is that the muscle provides an extra layer of tissue over the implant, which helps to soften the edges of the implant and hide any rippling that may occur. The presence of the muscle above the implant also helps to create a more natural silhouette for the implant, creating the beautifully feminine contour most women are seeking.

Implants below the muscle also have a lower risk of capsular contracture, in which the scar tissue around the implant tightens, potentially leading to pain and aesthetic difficulties. This is a condition that often requires an additional surgery to correct it when it does occur, so avoiding it is preferable.

In general, Dr. Ross recommends under the muscle implants for most of his patients. He believes that, for most women, the benefits of this placement in terms of the aesthetic outcome as well as the lower risk of capsular contracture make it a clear winner. However, there may be a few women for whom this is not the case.

Over the muscle (subglandular) implants

The other option is to place the implants above the muscle, but below the milk-producing glands of the breasts. In this position, it’s more likely that any rippling that occurs around the edges of the implant will be visible. In addition, the implants may be more likely to sag over time, since they have less support from the body’s tissues in this position. There is a higher risk of capsular contracture with subglandular implants. It’s also more difficult to get an accurate mammogram with implants in this position; with breast cancer being a leading cause of death in women, this is an important consideration.

That being said, there are certain situations in which subglandular placement may be preferred. Submuscular placement does involve dividing part of the muscle away from its attachment, which has a small effect on its performance. The vast majority of women will never even notice the change, but women who are weightlifters or who otherwise use this muscle heavily may notice it. These women might consider it worthwhile to accept the other downsides of subglandular placement in order to preserve the complete function of the muscle.

Melbourne breast implants

If you’re considering getting breast implants, then you should discuss your options with a plastic surgeon. This will help you to learn more about your various options and get professional advice on what might work best in your personal situation.

In general, Dr. Ross recommends saline implants placed under the muscle through a transaxillary incision for most women seeking breast augmentation. He aims to create natural-looking results with careful attention to the safety and health of his patients. If you’re looking for a plastic surgeon you can trust to place your Melbourne breast implants, we invite you to contact our office on 03 9596 8888 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ross at one of our three convenient locations.

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