Bayside Plastic Surgery

Recovery from Cosmetic Surgery

Recovery from Cosmetic Surgery: Healing Properly in Melbourne.

Surgery of any kind can take its toll on the body. While cosmetic surgery patients excitedly anticipate the improvements and benefits of their procedures performed by Dr Ross, once patients leave recovery they still face a long journey before the results of the surgery may be fully enjoyed. Respecting post-surgery recovery time contributes to the success of a procedure as much as the procedure itself.

Good Recovery Starts before the First Incision

Good habits prior to surgery set a patient up for a successful recovery. Patients will face a period of down time following surgery. This often causes patients to schedule lot of activity into their days prior to surgery, running themselves ragged across Melbourne to run last minute errands and take care of loose ends. Overextending yourself during the days leading up to surgery leads to a sense of burning the candle at both ends. When overly busy, we often sacrifice good self-care first. However a successful recovery depends on patients maintaining good health.

Patients need to take care to observe healthy habits up to the surgery day. Eating well and staying hydrated before surgery helps recovery occur more efficiently. A healthy body heals faster than a malnourished or dehydrated one. Limit or eliminate bad habits like smoking, alcohol consumption and caffeine overuse in the weeks before surgery, as these habits may delay healing time.

Set-up your living space for maximum ease and comfort when you return from the procedure. Make simple things like toothbrushes, clothing, and blankets handy and accessible. Pre-prepare meals, take out the garbage, and make your recovery area liveable and comfortable. You want to limit your responsibilities for the first few days so that you may rest fully and focus on recovery.

Follow Dr Ross’s Instructions to the Letter

Once home it can be tempting to remove bandages to reveal the results of your surgery. However during the first days of recovery, it is more important to monitor incisions, redress wounds, manage pain, and limit mobility. Focus on preventing infection and limiting swelling to improve your end result. Your plastic surgeon will provide you will detailed post-operative instructions. Follow these instructions down to the letter for the best results.

Keep sutures lines clean to minimize scarring. Apply cold compresses to swollen and bruised areas to reduce inflammation. If bruising persists, ask your doctor for approval of homeopathic remedies like Arnica to break up bruising. Follow any dietary recommendations your doctor might offer. Sleep as much as possible.

Ask For Help If Necessary

Ask a friend or family member to assist you home from your procedure and perhaps even stay with you the first few days. Having a mobile and capable set of hands around to help out around the house prevents overreaching and helps limit movement. It is also nice to have some emotional support following surgery. Many patients experience a temporary depression post-op due to the challenges of the healing process. A friend can help elevate spirits and keep you positive on the road to recovery.

Be Patient

While undergoing cosmetic procedures represents a dramatic choice, the results of most procedures are subtle. During the healing process bruising and swelling distort the results of procedures. Areas remain bound in gauze and bandages and therefore results may not immediately be seen.

Limit your need for immediate gratification. Find patience to wait for the healing process to complete before scrutinizing results. Many procedures take time to settle before they become part of your natural look.

Be Realistic

Approach your surgery with realistic expectations about your outcome. Cosmetic procedures serve to enhance your natural appearance and allow your true self to shine through. Changes may often be less dramatic than expected, however subtle changes can make a big difference. Do not simply analyse the affected area, take a holistic view of yourself and how the procedure outcome looks in relation to the rest of your features.

If you have questions about your results feel free to contact your surgeon to discuss concerns. Understanding the changes your body will go through during the healing process helps keep perspective and expectations in check.

Enjoy the results of your Surgery

You did something great for yourself. Enjoy the way your clothes fit. The way your skin looks refreshed and youthful in the mirror. Enjoy yourself. Take time to appreciate the improvements of the surgery. Small cosmetic procedures add up to big boosts in confidence, increased comfort, and new perspectives on life.

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