Bayside Plastic Surgery

Protect Your Skin Or Find Yourself In Need Of Skin Cancer Surgery In Melbourne

It may be the start of winter in Melbourne, but that doesn’t mean you are free and clear from the sun’s damaging effects to your skin. Too many people get careless after the summer season ends. They think that, just because the thermometer no longer reads in the high 20s and the sun isn’t blazing away in a cloudless sky, they are no longer susceptible to harmful UV rays.

Quite the contrary. Even on cloudy days and when temperatures have cooled down, your skin is vulnerable to sunburn and various forms of skin damage. You should never let your guard down. Cover up any exposed skin and continue to use sunburn protection of at least SPF 30 if you are going to be outside for a prolonged period of time.   That awesome, wide-brimmed beach hat you wore the past few months is still in vogue and can still work to keep your face and neck in the shadows and out of harm’s way.

Protection from the sun helps prevent signs of premature aging, such as sunspots or wrinkles. But if those aren’t reason enough, it can also prevent the development of skin cancer.

How can I tell a harmless mole from a potential cancer cell?

You can’t determine by yourself what is “nothing to worry about” and what is not when it comes to potential abnormalities on your skin.  If you notice something suspect anywhere on your skin, you need to schedule an examination with Dr. David Ross at Bayside Plastic Surgery. A trusted plastic and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Ross will evaluate any marks and growths on your skin and will look for any signs of a potentially serious condition, including skin cancer.

Is there more than one form of skin cancer? 

The type of skin cancer with the smallest risk is called basal cell carcinoma.  It is commonly found on areas of the skin that are exposed to a lot of sun. If caught early, it can be removed as an in-office procedure without the need for skin cancer surgery in Melbourne.

Squamous cell carcinomas can be mistaken for warts. They frequently look like scaly, rough-feeling patches that are prone to bleeding if scratched or even bumped.

A malignant melanoma is the most aggressive, life-threatening type of skin cancer. Unfortunately, it is one of the most common cancers found in Australia and it can easily spread throughout the body.  As with all carcinomas and melanomas, if detected early chances for cure and survival are greatly enhanced.

Will I need skin cancer surgery in Melbourne?

The need for skin cancer surgery in Melbourne is decided by your doctor. It is widely considered that skin cancer is best resolved by excising the cancerous cells. Dr. Ross and your oncologist will work together to ensure any treatment will benefit your health, while reducing the appearance of scarring and damage thanks to the skilled hands of Dr. Ross.

You should never ignore any suspicious mark on your skin or a mole-like growth that appears to have gotten larger in a short period of time. Early detection is the most important key to surviving any form of skin cancer.

If you have any concerns at all about anything you have detected on your skin and would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ross, please contact us online or call Bayside Plastic Surgery at 03 9596 8888.

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