Bayside Plastic Surgery

Minimal Access and Endoscopic Surgical Procedures to Minimize Scarring

When you undergo cosmetic surgery, your surgeon will work his or her hardest to ensure that the incisions made are as discreet as possible. This is an important concern for many cosmetic surgery patients, obviously. As surgical techniques and technologies have progressed over the years, new options have become available to minimize scarring even further. Endoscopic surgery is just such an option. Dr. David Ross and the team at our Melbourne plastic surgerywould like to take an opportunity right now to discuss endoscopic surgery and what it means to patients.

Endoscopic Surgery Reduces Scars

Endoscopic surgery involves the use of an endoscope. The endoscope is an instrument that I inserted into a part of the body and allows doctors to look inside of a patient. The endoscope itself generally consists of a tube (which may be flexible or have a fixed shape), a light source, and a camera.

Using an endoscope, a surgeon is able to view the actual structures that he or she is working on. This means enhanced capacity to tailor a surgery to a patient’s needs as well as greater ability to avoid nerve and tissue damage during the surgery. The major benefits for patients are non-existent or extremely unnoticeable scarring, reduced recovery time, and enhanced results after surgery.

Minimal Scar Facelift

Two cosmetic surgery treatments that can be performed with an endoscope are the Melbourne facelift and brow lift. During an endoscopic facelift or brow lift, an incision only a few millimeters in size is made to insert the endoscope. (Additional tiny incisions may be made as needed.) Once the surgeon has assessed the situation, the entire surgery is then performed through this tiny incision using delicate instruments. No skin tissue is removed during this surgery, and only the underlying muscles and facial structures will be affected.

Minimal Scar Breast Enlargement

Endoscopic surgery also has applications for other cosmetic surgery treatments in different parts of the body. For instance, there is endoscopic breast augmentation surgery. This involves the use of an endoscope to help surgeons better position the breast implants in the chest wall. These endoscopic breast augmentation techniques involve incisions that are concealed in the armpit and navel area, which means no incisions or scarring on or around the breasts themselves.

Minimal Scar Abdominoplasty

Endoscopic tummy tuck surgery is also performed. This involves small incisions for the endoscope and surgical instruments around the pubic bone and navel. These small incisions are much, much smaller and more discreet than the incisions made during a traditional tummy tuck.

For more information about cosmetic surgery technology and what it could mean to you, please do not hesitate to contact our Melbourne plastic surgery practices today. Dr. David Ross and his team look forward to discussing these matters with you in greater detail.

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