Bayside Plastic Surgery

Look Better After Massive Weight Loss – Cosmetic Surgery Info

The hard part is over. You’ve disciplined yourself with diet and exercise and won the battle of the bulge. But now your new body has left you with a new fight, the one flabby skin has mounted after being stretched out over the years. This fight, however, doesn’t have to be as difficult as losing the weight was. All you need is a good cosmetic surgeon to help you regain your more natural shape.

How can cosmetic surgery help those who have undergone a massive weight loss? Let’s take a look at the different concerns over weight loss and the solutions for them.

Many people who lose inches around their abdomen often have a chunk of flabby skin that cascades over their waistband left over. It can make you feel self-conscious even though you should be proud for having lost all those pounds. That’s why some people turn to cosmetic surgeons skilled in abdominoplasty, which is commonly called a tummy tuck. During this procedure, your surgeon will tighten your abdominal muscles, skin, and remove the excess flesh to create a leaner physique.

Some newly thin women don’t like what’s left on their chest after their big weight loss–saggy, elongated breasts that can seemingly touch your knees. It can make you feel embarrassed by breasts that look like deflated balloons. You have a couple of options if you’re looking to remedy this concern. Breast reduction surgery eliminates the extra fat and tissue to give you a smaller bust and it is recommended for men who have “man boobs” after losing lots of pounds. Or you can choose to have breast augmentation surgery, which is a medical procedure that can make your bosom look more natural and perky.

People who undergo massive weight loss may also see inches disappear from their rear but something is left in its place–extra skin. This is another body part that can be improved by cosmetic procedures. Much like a tummy tuck or facelift, your surgeon will simply remove the excess skin and give your buttocks a more natural appearance.

Cosmetic surgery is not only for aesthetics; it can actually help your overall health. You’ll have fewer rashes and other troubles caused by a tremendous weight loss. This procedure can help you get back the shape you had in your younger days or the contours you always wanted. Just talk with a plastic surgeon to see how they can help. Contact our practice today for more information on plastic surgery in Melbourne, Victoria.

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