Bayside Plastic Surgery

Genioplasty in Melbourne

Are you unhappy with the way that your chin looks? Perhaps it seems to throw the rest of your facial features off kilter? Some folks are born with facial features that are perfectly balanced and symmetrical. If you are not amongst those lucky few then you know the self-image concerns that can be experienced when your chin is not in balance with the rest of your face.

At Bayside Plastic Surgery, Dr. David Ross works with his team of medical professionals to help restore balance and help boost the self-confidence of his patients with aesthetic improvements.

What is genioplasty?

Your chin can have an aesthetic impact on your face. A weak chin may lead to the illusion that your nose or your ears are too large, whereas a well-defined chin can enhance the natural beauty of your other well-proportioned facial features.

Also referred to as chin augmentation surgery, genioplasty in Melbourne is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes the chin. The goal of genioplasty is facial harmony and balance with other facial features.

Am I a candidate for genioplasty?

Genioplasty surgery offers benefits for patients who have a chin that is disproportionate in size to other facial features. The procedure can also help to reduce the look of a double chin. It can help to strengthen your profile, and give you a strong chin that you’re proud of.

If you are in otherwise good general health, and do not have underlying medical concerns that could be troublesome, then you’ll be a great candidate for the genioplasty surgery.

What can be expected during surgery?

On the day of your genioplasty in Melbourne you’ll be made comfortable, and be placed under general anesthesia. Dr. Ross will make incisions that will ensure you have no visible scarring from the procedure. This could mean that your incisions are made on the inside of your lip.

The procedure itself will largely depend on whether you are undergoing augmentation genioplasty or sliding genioplasty.

During augmentation genioplasty, a synthetic implant is set in place and secured with titanium plates and screws. Titanium is biocompatible and will not corrode, so it’s a great choice in materials to use for surgical procedures. Dissolvable sutures will close up the procedure.

During sliding genioplasty the chin is altered and repositioned. Small dissolvable sutures also complete this procedure.

Many patients opt to undergo one or more aesthetic facial surgeries at the same time, to maximise their results. Post-surgical discomfort can often be readily managed with over the counter pain medication.

What is the recovery process like?

Regardless of what kind of genioplasty procedure you have had, Dr. Ross recommends that his patients refrain from exercising for several weeks following the procedure. He advises patients that they do not remove the protective dressing without his approval. He will monitor healing through post-operative visits and ensure that it all heals without any complications.

Are you interested in creating a chin that is perfectly balanced with the rest of your facial features? To learn more about genioplasty in Melbourne, call Bayside Plastic Surgery at 03 9596 8888, or fill out the online form to have a member of staff reach out to you.

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