Bayside Plastic Surgery

Facelift – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Facial Cosmetics

Facelift surgery is just one way to improve and enhance the appearance of your face. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions that people have about the nature of facelift surgery.

What is a lower facelift?

A lower facelifts targets the chin, jaw line, and neck. Ideal candidates are patients with excess skin or fat located in their necks, drooping mouth corners, and jaw lines that are no longer defined. A lower facelift is accomplished through traditional incisions surrounding the ears or by endoscopic surgery through small incisions. The skin is separated from muscle and fat, muscles are tightened, excess fat removed, and the skin pulled smooth. Incisions are then sutured.

What is a mid facelift?

A mid facelift focuses on the nose area, cheeks, and eyelids. The goal of a mid-facelift is to improve sagging cheeks and lower eyelids. Hollow cheeks and bags under the eyes can be rectified with this surgery. A mid-facelift procedure is often performed with an endoscope. Incisions are made into the muscle tissue, which are stitched at the end of the operation. The plastic surgeon can remove excess fat and tighten facial muscles in a horizontal or diagonal direction, depending on which is most suitable in your circumstances.

What is a mini-facelift?

A mini-facelift is considered a minor cosmetic surgical procedure. Patients are usually in their 30’s and 40’s and show only emerging signs of aging. A mini-facelift is performed with specific areas in mind. For example, a patient may wish to enhance the appearance of their cheeks or remove folds in the nose area. Mini-facelifts are not suitable for foreheads. Also known as “weekend facelifts”, these procedures are popular as they are the least extensive procedure and recovery is faster than traditional facelifts.

What is a thread facelift?

A thread facelift involves special threads being carefully positioned to pull and hold sagging tissue and tighten skin and muscles. Threads are inserted through tiny incisions and knotted. The skin conceals the knots and incisions with minimal to no scarring. The patient is awake while the procedure is performed. Results are apparent sooner than with conventional facelifts. Patients must have good skin tone and show only early signs of aging. Candidates range in age from 30 to 60.

What is a full facelift?

A full facelift incorporates multiple lift procedures.

For more information on facelift surgeons in Melbourne contact our office today!

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