Bayside Plastic Surgery

Best Cosmetic Treatments for Wrinkles

The best skin rejuvenation treatments for wrinkles that are deep set can be as dramatic as a facelift of minimally invasive such as laser liposuction. Laser liposuction can move at around in the face to plump up wrinkles and provide some fat to the face. Believe it or not, some fat is good. Young skin is plump and has a cushiony layer of fat under it. As we age we lose that fat and our faces can appear skinny or gaunt. The skin wrinkles over the empty space where the fat once was and can become saggy creating other problems such as jowels.

Laser liposuction is a surgery where a tiny cannula with a laser is injected under the skin. The laser heat gently melts the fat to liquid form and it is suction out. There is no scarring and not stitches required for the tiny incision points. Fat can then be injected into hollowed out cheeks, the chin area, under the eyes and into forehead wrinkles as well as the furrow and laugh lines. Using laser liposuction for a double chin or the neck can restore a more youthful profile and that fat is great for a filler.

A brow lift or forehead lift can remove wrinkles and lift the upper portion of the face. As we age our eyebrows and eyelids can begin to sag, closing in on the eyes and making them appear smaller. An eyebrow lift involves making an incision at the temples and tightening the underlying muscle, then pulling the skin up. Incision marks are hidden in the hair line. A forehead lift is more intricate in that it involves an incision that is placed in the hair line and runs from temple to temple. The forehead skin is lifted and then pulled up tightly and then removed. The skin is stitched up at the incision point hidden in the hair. The scalp can also be pulled down to reduce a large forehead or a receding hairline.

Plastic surgery on the face is an important decision. There is not much you can do to hide your face. A consultation should be made with a certified physician and references and referrals should be sought. Before and after photos are not always enough to judge the skill of a doctor as they can be manipulated with programs such as Photoshop. Contact a plastic surgeon in Melbourne, Victoria today for a consultation.

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