Bayside Plastic Surgeon
Dr. David A. Ross FRACS (PLAST)
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
03 9596 8888


Plastic Surgeon David Ross

Tone Your Contours with Liposuction

Liposuction is a procedure designed to permanently remove fatty tissue from areas of the body that do not respond well to diet and exercise. During the liposuction procedure at our Melbourne plastic surgery practice, Dr. David Ross inserts a probe into the skin through a small incision and removes excess fat cells via suction. The body is sculpted and recontoured in just one to two hours. In most cases, the skin contracts and tightens, creating a more flattering shape.


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Then contact our plastic surgery centre to schedule your initial consultation and find out whether liposuction is right for you.

Who is a candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction is ideal for patients bothered by bulging pockets of fat that seem impossible to remove. Liposuction is appropriate for healthy men and women of all ages. Common areas targeted with liposuction include the:

  • Lower abdomen
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Hips
  • Waist
  • Buttocks
  • Upper arms
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Knees
  • Neck
  • Jowls

For men, liposuction can be used to target pockets of fat near the neck, back, abdomen, and around the “love handles”. Liposuction can also be used as part of a breast reduction procedure for women, and used to eliminate excess fatty tissue as part of a gynaecomastia (male breast reduction) procedure.

The goal of traditional liposuction is not weight loss; instead, the procedure is intended to sculpt and refine the shape of the body, creating a more proportionate figure. Liposuction is intended for patients who are healthy, and whose weight is relatively normal. The best results occur on patients with good skin elasticity. For anyone with loose, excess skin, liposuction should be combined with tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) or body lift at our Melbourne plastic surgery practice for the best results.

What can I expect during and after a liposuction procedure?

Liposuction can be performed as a short day surgery procedure, depending on the amount of fat being removed. Following surgery, there will be some bruising and swelling and patients will be asked to wear a special garment to aid the healing process and help tighten the skin. Patients can usually return to work within a week of liposuction, and full activity can be resumed after approximately two to four weeks.

While swelling can persist for several weeks following a liposuction procedure, our patients will be pleased to know that results can be seen very quickly. Even though fat removal with liposuction is permanent, significant weight loss may cause rippling in the treated areas. If skin fails to contract after a sufficient healing period, a skin tightening procedure may be necessary at a later time.

Ultrasonic Liposuction: An Advanced Alternative

Ultrasonic liposuction is an alternative method of fat removal performed by Dr. Ross at Bayside Plastic Surgery. During an ultrasonic liposuction procedure, a thin wand is inserted into the body, delivering sound waves that break up and emulsify fat on contact. The liquefied fat is then removed by suction, prompting the skin to contract and tighten.

Who is a candidate for ultrasonic liposuction?

While traditional liposuction is ideal for removing smaller amounts of fat and sculpting curves, ultrasonic liposuction may be a better alternative for removing larger amounts of fat and difficult fibrous fatty tissue. There are several advantages to ultrasonic liposuction, including better skin contraction and less blood loss during surgery. There is also less discomfort following an ultrasonic liposuction procedure, and less post-operative swelling and bruising.

Ultrasonic liposuction is ideal for the treatment of areas where skin retraction is important, including the abdomen, back, and neck; however, traditional liposuction is still the preferred method for the treatment of certain areas of the body. During your liposuction consultation, Dr. Ross will advise which method is most appropriate.

What can I expect during and after an ultrasonic liposuction procedure?

Ultrasonic liposuction may take slightly longer than a traditional liposuction procedure, but the surgery is quite similar in method, and carries many of the same risks, including post-operative infection, loss of feeling, as well as surface skin irregularity. Because there is less damage to blood vessels during an ultrasonic liposuction procedure, there is usually less blood loss during the surgery, and often less post-operative pain and recovery time. With ultrasonic liposuction, final results can be seen within weeks, as opposed to months. Following an ultrasonic liposuction procedure at our day surgery facility, our patients can even expect to return to work within a week.

Is liposuction the right procedure for you?

If you are at or near your ideal weight but are struggling with isolated pockets of fat that simply won’t respond to diet or exercise, then there is a good chance that liposuction is the right procedure for you. Plastic surgeon David Ross offers both traditional and ultrasonic liposuction at his practice, giving you a choice as to which treatment option you prefer. To find out which of these effective treatments is best suited to your particular case, please schedule your liposuction consultation by contacting Bayside Plastic Surgery in Melbourne, Victoria today.

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Bayside Plastic Surgeon
Dr. David A. Ross FRACS (PLAST)
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon
03 9596 8888
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